Zodiac signs: do you feel connected to virgo (virgo) season?

Horoscopes and astrology: hate it or love it. Some people think it's sheer nonsense; others feel connected to it. Whether you actually believe in it or not, people have been studying zodiac signs and astrology for centuries. In this new section we take you into the zodiac sign of the season every month!


August 23 to September 22.

The characteristics of a Virgo are in sign of calmness and control. The Virgo is reliable and accurate, practical, diligent and intelligent. Although their appearance sometimes makes them seem extremely cold, they have a lot of emotions going on inside. They can worry about others and therefore empathize with others. They are witty, eloquent, sensible and cheerful. Because of their broad empathy for others, they can give the best advice. On the other hand, they have more difficulty solving their own problems.

Perhaps it was already obvious, but Virgos like an organized environment and absolutely do not like clutter. Schedules and lists are made for virgins and they are perfectionists in everything they do. They don't like to talk endlessly about something: they prefer to take immediate action to work towards their goal.

Virgins also find it important to pursue a healthy lifestyle, and they therefore do not feel a match with people who care little about that.

Lesser properties
Virgos can turn their critical attitude into know-it-alls, which can come across negatively to others. In addition, they will not quickly draw a conclusion based solely on what others say about this subject. They may also find it difficult to make decisions on important issues and may be left with endless doubts. Despite their cold appearance, their emotions can sometimes get the better of them and this leads to uncertainty.

Matching gems
Amazonite, Amethyst , Carnelian , Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot and Sapphire. Did you know that we have jewelry with both amethyst and carnelian? Click here to check it out.

NB: the description of the linked personality to certain zodiac signs in this section is only general, and to go into this more concretely and in depth, several factors must be looked at. Full recognition is therefore not a must! ;)

Do you feel connected to your zodiac sign or do you think it's nonsense? Let us know in the comments!

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TNjIAcVoXyYeqp November 24, 2019

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